
Ledger is a command line accounting tool that provides double-entry accounting based on a text journal. It provides no bells or whistles, and returns the user to the days before user interfaces were even a 1twinkling in their father’s CRT.

Ledger-mode assists you in maintaining input files for Ledger, running reports and much more...

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Ledger-mode

1.1 Quick Installation

The Emacs lisp source for Ledger-mode is included with the source distribution of Ledger. It is entirely included in the lisp subdirectory. To use Ledger-mode, include the following in your Emacs initialization file (~/.emacs, ~/.emacs.d/init.el, or ~/.Aquamacs/Preferences.el).

(autoload 'ledger-mode "ledger-mode" "A major mode for Ledger" t)
(add-to-list 'load-path
             (expand-file-name "/path/to/ledger/source/lisp/"))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ledger$" . ledger-mode))

This sets up Emacs to automatically recognize files that end with .ledger and start Ledger-mode. Nothing else should be required as long as the ledger command line utility is properly installed.

1.3 Quick Demo

Load the demo file demo.ledger from the Ledger source test/input directory. The ledger will be loaded and font highlighted. At this point you could manually edit transactions and run Ledger from a convenient command line.

1.3.1 Quick Add

As simple as the Ledger transaction format is, it can still be daunting to add many transactions manually. Ledger provides two ways to add transactions with minimal typing. Both are based on the idea that most transactions are repetitions of earlier transactions.

In the demo.ledger buffer enter a date using the correct format. Then type the first few characters of another payee in the demo.ledger buffer. Type C-c TAB. Ledger-mode will search for a Payee that has the same beginning and copy the rest of the transaction to you new entry.

Additionally you can use the ledger xact command, by either typing C-c C-a or using ‘Add Transaction’ menu entry. Then typing a close match to the payee. Ledger-mode will call ledger xact with the data you enter and place the transaction in the proper chronological place in the ledger. Subsequent calls to C-c C-a remember the last date so entering many dates in the past is easy. The date format can be changed by modifying ledger-default-date-format.

1.3.2 Reconciliation

The biggest task of maintaining a ledger is ensuring that it matches the outside world. This process is called reconciliation (see Basics of Reconciliation) and can be quite onerous. Ledger-mode attempts to make it as painless as possible.

In the demo.ledger buffer type C-c C-r. If cursor is on an account, Ledger-mode will propose this account, or in the Minibuffer, will prompt for an account to reconcile. Hit RET if you are happy with proposed account, or enter ‘Checking’ as example. Emacs will then prompt for a target value. The target value is the amount you want the cleared transactions in the buffer to total. Normally this would be the ending value from your bank statement, or the latest value in your on-line transaction summary. Enter ‘1710’. Note that Ledger-mode assumes you are using ‘$’ (USD) as your default commodity, this can be easily changed in the customization variables. See Ledger-mode Customization.

You now see a list of uncleared transactions in a buffer below the demo.ledger buffer. Touching the SPC bar will mark a transaction as pending and display the current cleared (and pending) balance, along with the difference remaining to meet your target. Clear the first three transactions, and you will see the difference to target reach ‘$0’. End the reconciliation by typing C-c C-c. This saves the demo.ledger buffer and marks the transactions and finally cleared. Type q to close out the reconciliation buffer.

1.3.3 Reports

The real power of Ledger is in its reporting capabilities. Reports can be run and displayed in a separate Emacs buffer. In the demo.ledger buffer, type C-c C-o C-r. In the Minibuffer Emacs will prompt for a report name. There are a few built-in reports, and you can add any report you need See Adding and Editing Reports.

In the Minibuffer type ‘account’. When prompted for an account type ‘checking’. In a buffer named *Ledger Report*, you will see a Ledger register report. You can move around the buffer, with the point on a transaction, type RET. Ledger-mode will take you directly to that transaction in the demo.ledger buffer.

Another built-in report is the balance report. In the demo.ledger buffer, type C-c C-o C-r. When prompted for a report to run, type ‘bal’, and a balance report of all accounts will be shown.

1.3.4 Narrowing

A ledger file can get very large. It can be helpful to collapse the buffer to display only the transactions you are interested in. Ledger-mode copies the occur mode functionality. Typing C-c C-f and entering any regex in the Minibuffer will show only transactions that match the regex. The regex can be on any field, or amount. Use C-c C-g after editing transactions to re-apply the current regex. Cancel the narrowing by typing C-c C-f again.

2 The Ledger Buffer

2.2 Adding Transactions

Beyond the two ways of quickly adding transactions (see Quick Add) Ledger-mode assists you by providing robust TAB completion for payees and accounts. Ledger-mode will scan the existing buffer for payees and accounts. Included files are not currently included in the completion scan. Ledger-mode respects Emacs’s variables that govern TAB completion, see especially tab-always-indent.

To cycle between completions when hitting TAB multiple times, you can adjust the standard completion configuration like this:

(add-hook 'ledger-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq-local tab-always-indent 'complete)
            (setq-local completion-cycle-threshold t)
            (setq-local ledger-complete-in-steps t)))

Ledger-mode will help you keep your amounts aligned. When indenting or completing, Ledger-mode will automatically place any amounts such that their last digit is aligned to the column specified by ledger-post-amount-alignment-column, which defaults to ‘52’. See Ledger Post Customization Group.

To prevent the automatic realignment of amounts, disable ledger-post-auto-align. See Ledger Post Customization Group.

2.2.1 Setting a Transactions Effective Date

Ledger provides for adding information to a transaction that add details to the dates. For example, you can specify when the transaction was entered, when the transaction was cleared, or when individual postings were cleared. Ledger-mode refers to these additional dates as effective dates. To set the effective date of a transaction, place the point in the first line of a transaction and type C-c C-t. The effective date will be added to the transaction. To set the effective date for an individual posting, place point in the posting and type C-c C-t and the effective date for that posting will be added at the end of the posting.

2.2.2 Quick Balance Display

You will often want to quickly check the balance of an account. The easiest way is to position point on the account you are interested in, and type C-c C-p. The Minibuffer will ask you to verify the name of the account you want, if it is already correct hit RET, then the balance of the account will be displayed in the Minibuffer.

2.3 Copying Transactions

An easy way to copy a transaction is to type C-c C-k or menu entry ‘Copy Trans at Point’. You will be prompted the new date for the copied transaction, and after having confirmed with RET, new transaction will be inserted at date position in buffer.

If you prefer to keep blank lines between your transactions, you can change the default in ledger-copy-transaction-insert-blank-line-after.

2.4 Editing Amounts

GNU Emacs Calculator, aka ‘Calc’, is a very powerful Reverse Polish Notation calculator built into all recent version of Emacs. Ledger-mode makes it easy to calculate values for amount by integrating Calc. With the point anywhere in the same line as a posting, typing C-c C-b will bring up the Calc buffer, and push the current amount for the posting onto the top of the Calc stack. Perform any calculations you need to arrive at the final value, then type y to yank the value at the top of stack back into the ledger buffer. Note: Calc does not directly support commas as decimal separators. Ledger-mode will translate values from decimal-comma format to decimal-period format for use in Calc, but it cannot intercept the value being yanked from the Calc stack, so decimal-comma users will have to manually replace the period with a comma.

2.5 Marking Transactions

Ledger considers transaction or posting to be in one of three states: uncleared, cleared, and pending. For calculation Ledger ignores these states unless specifically instructed to use them. Ledger-mode assigns some additional meaning to the states:

  • Uncleared. No state. This is equivalent to sticking a check in the mail. It has been obligated, but not been cashed by the recipient. It could also apply to credit/debit card transactions that have not been cleared into your account balance. You bank may call these transactions pending, but Ledger-mode uses a slightly different meaning.
  • Pending. Ledger-mode’s reconciliation function see pending transactions as an intermediate step in reconciling an account. When doing a reconciliation (see Reconciliation), marking a transaction as pending means that you have seen the transaction finally recorded by the recipient, but you have not completely reconciled the account.
  • Cleared. The transaction has been completely recognized by all parties to the transaction.

Typing C-c C-c, depending where is the point, will clear the complete transaction, or an individual posting. This places an asterisk ‘*’ prior to the payee for the complete transaction, or prior to the account for an individual posting. When point is inside a transaction, specifically on an individual posting, you can still clear the complete transaction by typing C-c C-e.

2.6 Formatting Transactions

When editing a transaction, liberal use of the TAB key can keep the transaction well formatted. If you want to have Ledger-mode cleanup the formatting of a transaction you can use ‘Align Transaction’ or ‘Align Region’ from the menu bar.

The menu item ‘Clean-up Buffer’ sorts all transactions in the buffer by date, removes extraneous empty lines and aligns every transaction.

2.7 Deleting Transactions

Along with normal buffer editing methods to delete text, Ledger-mode provides an easy way to delete the transaction under point: C-c C-d. The advantage to using this method is that the complete transaction operation is in the undo buffer.

2.8 Sorting Transactions

As you operating on the Ledger files, they may become disorganized. For the most part, Ledger doesn’t care, but our human brains prefer a bit of order. Sorting the transactions in a buffer into chronological order can help bring order to chaos. Either using ‘Sort Region’ menu entry or typing C-c C-s will sort all of the transactions in a region by date. Ledger-mode isn’t particularly smart about handling dates and it simply sorts the transactions using the string at the beginning of the transaction. So, you should use the preferred ISO 8601 standard date format ‘YYYY/MM/DD’ which easily sorts.

Note, there is a menu entry ‘Sort Buffer’ to sort the entire buffer. Special transactions like automated transaction, will be moved in the sorting process and may not function correctly afterwards. For this reason there is no key sequence.

You can limit the allowed sort region by using embedded Ledger-mode markup within your ledger. For example:

<<< information to not sort >>>

; Ledger-mode: Start sort

<<< transactions to sort >>>

; Ledger-mode: End sort

<<< information to not sort >>>

You can use menu entries ‘Mark Sort Beginning’ to insert start and ‘Mark Sort End’ to insert end markers. These functions will automatically delete old markers and put new marker at point.

2.9 Narrowing Transactions

Often you will want to run Ledger register reports just to look at a specific set of transactions. If you don’t need the running total calculation handled by Ledger, Ledger-mode provides a rapid way of narrowing what is displayed in the buffer in a way that is simpler than the Ledger register command.

Based on the Emacs Occur mode by Alexey Veretennikov, Ledger-occur hides all transactions that do not meet a specific regular expression. The regular expression can match on any part of the transaction. If you want to find all transactions whose amount ends in ‘.37’, you can do that (I don’t know why, but hey, whatever ever floats you aerostat).

Using C-c C-f or the ‘Narrow to Regex’ menu entry, enter a regular expression in the Minibuffer. Ledger-mode will hide all other transactions. For details of the regular expression syntax, see your Emacs documentation. A few examples using the demo.ledger are given here:


Show only transactions that have a posting to the ‘Groceries’ account.


Show only transactions occurring in January of 2011.


Show only transactions occurring on the 25th of the month in 2011.


Show only transactions with payees or accounts or comments containing. ‘auto


Show only transactions with any line ending with ‘harley’.

To show back all transactions simply invoke ‘Narrow to Regex’ or C-c C-f again.

If you’ve edited some transactions after narrowing such that they would no longer match the regular expression, you can refresh the narrowed view using C-c C-g.

3 The Reconcile Buffer

3.1 Basics of Reconciliation

Even in this relatively modern era, financial transactions do not happen instantaneously, unless you are paying cash. When you swipe your debit card the money may take several days to actually come out of your account, or a check may take several days to clear. That is the root of the difference between obligating funds and expending funds. Obligation says you have agreed to pay it, the expenditure doesn’t happen until the money actually leaves your account. Or in the case of receiving payment, you have an account receivable until the money has actually made it to you.

After an account has been reconciled you have verified that all the transactions in that account have been correctly recorded and all parties agree.

3.2 Starting a Reconciliation

To start reconciling an account you must have a target, both the transactions that you know about and the transactions the bank knows about. You can get this from a monthly statement, or from checking your on-line transaction history. It also helps immensely to know the final cleared balance you are aiming for.

Use menu ‘Reconcile Account’ or keyboard shortcut C-c C-r to start reconciliation.

If cursor is on an account, Ledger-mode will propose this account, or in the Minibuffer, will prompt for an account to reconcile. Hit RET if you are happy with proposed account, or enter ‘Checking’ as example. Ledger-mode is not particular about what you enter for the account. You can leave it blank and *Reconcile* buffer will show you all uncleared transactions.

After you enter the account enter the target amount. It is helpful to enter an amount with a commodity. You can also leave it blank, you will be able to clear transactions but not benefit from balance calculations. It assumes initially that you are using ‘$’ (USD) as your default commodity. If you are working in a different currency you can change the default in variable ledger-reconcile-default-commodity to whatever you need. If you work in multiple commodities simply enter the commoditized amount (for example ‘340 VSDX’, for 340 shares of VSDX).

Ledger-mode reconcile cannot currently reconcile accounts that have multiple commodities, such as brokerage accounts. You may use reconciliation mode to clear transactions, but balance calculations will not display the complete list of commodities.

3.3 Mark Transactions Pending

The *Reconcile* buffer will show all the uncleared transactions that meet the criteria set in the regex. By default uncleared transactions are shown in red. When you have verified that a transaction has been correctly and completely recorded by the opposing party, mark the transaction as pending using the SPC bar. Continue this process until you agree with the opposing party and the difference from your target is zero.

3.4 Edit Transactions during Reconciliation

If you find errors during reconciliation. You can visit the transaction under point in the *Reconcile* buffer by hitting the RET key. This will take you to the transaction in the Ledger buffer. When you have finished editing the transaction, saving the buffer will automatically return you to the *Reconcile* buffer and you can mark the transaction if appropriate.

3.5 Finalize Reconciliation

Once you have marked all transactions as pending and the cleared balance is correct. Finish the reconciliation by typing C-c C-c. This marks all pending transactions as cleared and saves the ledger buffer.

Type q to close out the reconciliation buffer. If variable ledger-reconcile-finish-force-quit is set, the reconciliation buffer will be killed automatically after C-c C-c.

3.6 Adding and Deleting Transactions during Reconciliation

While reconciling, you may find new transactions that need to be entered into your ledger. Simply type a to bring up the quick add for the ledger buffer.

Typing d will delete the transaction under point in the *Reconcile* buffer from the ledger buffer.

3.7 Changing Reconciliation Account

You can conveniently switch the account being reconciled by typing g, and entering a new account to reconcile. This simply restarts the reconcile process. Any transactions that were marked pending in the ledger buffer are left in that state when the account is switched.

3.8 Changing Reconciliation Target

If for some reason during reconciliation your target amount changes, type t and enter the new target value.

4 The Report Buffer

4.1 Running Reports

The real power behind Ledger is in its amazing reporting capability. Ledger-mode provides easy facility to run reports directly from Emacs. It has four reports built-in and facilities for adding custom reports.

Typing C-c C-o C-r or using menu ‘Run Report’ prompts for the name of a saved report. The built-in reports are:


Produce a balance reports of all accounts.


Produce a register report of all transactions.


Prompt for a payee, then produce a register report of all transactions involving that payee.


Prompt for an account, then produce a register report of all transactions involving that account.

While viewing reports you can easily switch back and forth between the ledger buffer and the *Ledger Report* buffer. In *Ledger Report* buffer, typing RET will take you to that transaction in the ledger buffer. While in the ledger buffer C-c C-o C-g returns you to the *Ledger Report* buffer.

By default Ledger-mode will refresh the report buffer when the ledger buffer is saved. If you want to rerun the report at another time C-c C-o C-a. This is useful if you have other programs altering your ledger file outside of Emacs.

4.2 Adding and Editing Reports

If you type a report name that Ledger-mode doesn’t recognize it will prompt you for a ledger command line to run. That command is automatically saved with the name given and you can re-run it at any time.

There are two ways to edit the command line for a report. The first is to provide a prefix argument to the run-report command. For example, type M-1 C-c C-o C-r. This will prompt you for the report name, then present the report command line to be edited. When you hit RET, the report will be run, but it will not be permanently saved. If you want to save it, type S in the *Ledger Report* buffer you will have the option to give it a new name, or overwrite the old report.

Deleting reports is accomplished by typing C-c C-o C-e or using ‘Edit Report’ menu in the ledger buffer, or typing e in the *Ledger Report* buffer. This takes you to the Emacs customization window for the Ledger Reports variables. Use the widgets to delete the report you want removed.

Typing C-c C-o C-s will prompt for a name and save the current report.

4.2.1 Expansion Formats

It is sometimes convenient to leave room to customize a report without saving the command line every time. For example running a register report for a specific account entered at runtime by the user. The built-in report account does exactly that, using a variable expansion to prompt the user for the account to use. There are four variables that can be expanded to run a report:


Returns the file to be operated on.


Prompts for a payee.


Prompt for an account.


Prompt for a meta-data tag name.


Prompt for a meta-data tag value.


Return the current month.

You can use these expansion values in your ledger report commands. For example, if you wanted to specify a register report the displayed transactions from a user-determined account with a particular meta-data tag value, you specify the following command line:

ledger -f %(ledger-file) reg %(account) \
  --limit \"tag('my-tag') =~/%(value)/\"

Note how the double-quotes are escaped with back-slashes.

Additionally, if you want a report showing a particular month and be able to easily change that month, you can specify a period using the %(month) specifier like this:

ledger -f %(ledger-file) balance --period %(month) ^Income ^Expenses

When you do this, you can use M-p or M-n to re-open the same report with the previous or next month.

4.2.2 Make Report Transactions Active

In a large register report it is convenient to be able to jump to the source transaction. Ledger-mode will automatically include source information in every register file that doesn’t contain a --subtotal option. It does this by adding --prepend-format='%(filename):%(beg_line):' to the register report command-line you specify. You should never have to see this, but if there is an error in your ledger output this additional information may not get stripped out of the visible report.

4.3 Reversing Report Order

Often, banks show their on-line transaction histories with the most recent transaction at the top. Ledger itself cannot do a sensible ledger report in reverse chronological order, if you sort on reverse date the calculation will also run in the opposite direction. If you want to compare a ledger register report to a bank report with the most recent transactions at the top, type R in the *Ledger Report* buffer and it will reverse the order of the transactions and maintain the proper mathematical sense.

5 Scheduling Transactions

The Ledger program provides for automating transactions but these transaction aren’t real, they only exist inside a ledger session and are not reflected in the actual data file. Many transactions are very repetitive, but may vary slightly in the date they occur on, or the amount. Some transactions are weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Ledger mode provides a way to schedule upcoming transaction with a flexible scheduler that allows you to specify the transactions in a separate ledger file and calculate the upcoming occurrences of those transactions. You can then copy the transactions into your live data file.

5.1 Specifying Upcoming Transactions

The format for specifying transactions is identical to Ledger’s file format with the exception of the date field. The data field is modified by surrounding it with brackets and using wild cards and special characters to specify when the transactions should appear.

5.1.1 Transactions that occur on specific dates

Many times you will enter repetitive transactions that occur on the same day of the month each month. These can be specified using a wild card in the year and month with a fixed date in the day. The following entry specifies a transaction that occurs on the first and fifteenth of every month in every year.

[*/*/1,15] Paycheck
    Income:Job       $1000.00

Some transactions do not occur every month. Comma separated lists of the months, or ‘E’ for even, or ‘O’ for odd number months can also be specified. The following entry specifies a bi-monthly exterminator bill that occurs in the even months:

[*/E/01]  Exterminator
    Expenses:Home   $100.00

5.1.2 Transactions that occur on specific days

Some transactions occur every relative to the day of the week rather than the date of the month. For example, many people are paid every two weeks without regard to the day of the month. Other events may occur on specific days regardless of the date. For example the following transactions creates a transaction every other Thursday:

[2014/11/27+2Th]  Paycheck
    Income:Job       $1000.00

It is necessary to specify a starting date in order for this type of recurrence relation to be specified. The day names are two character codes that default to Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su, for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday respectively. You can change the codes to something more convenient for your locale by customizing the ledger ledger-schedule-week-days. They must be two characters long.

6 Customizing Ledger-mode

6.1 Ledger-mode Customization

Ledger-mode has several options available for configuration. All options can be configured through the Emacs customization menus, or specified in your Emacs initialization file. The complete list of options is shown below. To change the option using the Emacs customization menu, simply choose customize in the Options menu and look for Ledger under the data options. Alternatively you can choose ‘Customize Specific Group’ and enter ‘Ledger’ as the group.

6.2 Customization Variables

6.2.1 Ledger Customization Group


If non-nil, use a custom face for transactions shown in ledger-occur mode using ledger-occur-xact-face.


If non-nil, clear whole transactions, not individual postings.


If non-nil, highlight transaction under point using ledger-font-highlight-face.

6.2.2 Ledger Reconcile Customization Group


Name to use for reconciliation buffer. Defaults to *Reconcile*.


If t, limit transactions shown in main buffer to those matching the reconcile regex.


If t, then when the cursor is moved to a new transaction in the *Reconcile* buffer. Then that transaction will be shown in its source buffer.


If t, make the *Reconcile* window appear along the bottom of the register window and resize.


If t, then toggle between uncleared and pending ‘!’. If false toggle between uncleared and cleared ‘*’.


Date format for the reconcile buffer. Defaults to ledger-default-date-format.


Prompt for recon target. Defaults to "Target amount for reconciliation ".


Header string for the reconcile buffer. If non-nil, the name of the account being reconciled will be substituted into the ’%s’. If nil, no header will be displayed. Defaults to "Reconciling account %s\n\n".


Format string for the ledger reconcile posting format. Available fields are date, status, code, payee, account, amount. The format for each field is %WIDTH(FIELD), WIDTH can be preceded by a minus sign which mean to left justify and pad the field. WIDTH is the minimum number of characters to display; if string is longer, it is not truncated unless ledger-reconcile-buffer-payee-max-chars or ledger-reconcile-buffer-account-max-chars is defined. Defaults to "%(date)s %-4(code)s %-50(payee)s %-30(account)s %15(amount)s\n"


If positive, truncate payee name right side to max number of characters.


If positive, truncate account name left side to max number of characters.


Key for sorting reconcile buffer. Possible values are ’(date)’, ’(amount)’, ’(payee)’ or ’(0)’ for no sorting, i.e. using ledger file order. Defaults to ’(0)’.

ledger-reconcile-insert-effective-date nil

If t, prompt for effective date when clearing transactions during reconciliation.

ledger-reconcile-finish-force-quit nil

If t, will force closing reconcile window after C-c C-c.

6.2.3 Ledger Report Customization Group


Definition of reports to run.


An alist mapping ledger report format specifiers to implementing functions.


Whether reports should be displayed using the same colors as when calling ledger on the command line.


Whether reports should fill the whole width of the *Report* window

6.2.4 Ledger Faces Customization Group

Ledger Faces: Ledger-mode highlighting


Default face for Ledger.


Default face for cleared ‘*’ transactions.


Default face for transaction under point.


Default face for pending ‘!’ transactions.


Default face for other transactions.


Face for Ledger accounts.


Face for cleared Ledger accounts.


Face for Ledger pending accounts.


Face for Ledger amounts.


Default face for Ledger occur mode hidden transactions.


Default face for Ledger occur mode shown transactions.


Face for Ledger comments.


Default face for uncleared transactions in the *Reconcile* buffer.


Default face for cleared ‘*’ transactions in the *Reconcile* buffer.


Default face for pending ‘!’ transactions in the *Reconcile* buffer.


Face applied to clickable entries in the *Report* buffer.

6.2.5 Ledger Post Customization Group

Ledger Post:


The column Ledger-mode uses to align amounts.


Default indentation for account transactions in an entry.

6.2.6 Ledger Exec Customization Group

Ledger Exec: Interface to the Ledger command-line accounting program.


Path to the ledger executable.


Location of the ledger initialization file. nil if you don’t have one.

6.2.7 Ledger Test Customization Group


Directory where the Ledger sources are located.


Directory where the debug binary.

6.2.8 Ledger Texi Customization Group


Location for sample data to be used in texi tests, defaults to ~/ledger/doc/sample.dat.


texi normalization for producing ledger output, defaults to ‘--args-only --columns 80’.

7 Generating Ledger Regression Tests

Work in Progress.

8 Embedding Example results in Ledger Documentation

Work in Progress.

9 Hacking Ledger-mode

Work in Progress.

Concept Index

Jump to:   B   C   D   E   G   I   M   P   R   T   U  
Index Entry  Section

balance: Quick Balance Display

Calc: Editing Amounts
cleared: Marking Transactions
customization, executable: Ledger Exec Customization Group
customization, faces: Ledger Faces Customization Group
customization, ledger-mode: Ledger Customization Group
customization, post: Ledger Post Customization Group
customization, reconcile: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
customization, report: Ledger Report Customization Group
customization, test: Ledger Test Customization Group
customization, texi: Ledger Texi Customization Group

demo: Quick Demo

effective date: Setting a Transactions Effective Date

GNU Emacs Calculator: Editing Amounts

installation: Quick Installation

menu: Menus

pending: Marking Transactions

reconciliation, account changing: Changing Reconciliation Account
reconciliation, basics: Basics of Reconciliation
reconciliation, finalizing: Finalize Reconciliation
reconciliation, starting: Starting a Reconciliation
reconciliation, target changing: Changing Reconciliation Target
reconciliation, transaction adding and deleting: Adding and Deleting Transactions during Reconciliation
reconciliation, transaction editing: Edit Transactions During Reconciliation
reconciliation, transaction marking: Mark Transactions Pending
report, adding and editing: Adding and Editing Reports
report, custom command: Make Report Transactions Active
report, custom variable: Expansion Formats
report, order reversing: Reversing Report Order
report, running: Running Basic Reports

transaction, adding: Adding Transactions
transaction, copying: Copying Transactions
transaction, deleting: Deleting Transactions
transaction, display filtering: Narrowing Transactions
transaction, editing amounts: Editing Amounts
transaction, formatting: Formatting Transactions
transaction, marking: Marking Transactions
transaction, narrowing: Narrowing Transactions
transaction, navigation: Navigating Transactions
transaction, sorting: Sorting Transactions

uncleared: Marking Transactions

Command & Variable Index

Index Entry  Section

ledger-binary-path: Ledger Exec Customization Group
ledger-buffer-tracks-reconcile-buffer: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-clear-whole-transactions: Ledger Customization Group
ledger-default-acct-transaction-indent: Ledger Post Customization Group
ledger-font-cleared-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-comment-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-highlight-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-other-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-pending-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-posting-account-cleared-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-posting-account-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-posting-account-pending-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-posting-amount-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-reconciler-cleared-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-reconciler-pending-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-reconciler-uncleared-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-report-clickable-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-font-uncleared-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-highlight-xact-under-point: Ledger Customization Group
ledger-init-file-name: Ledger Exec Customization Group
ledger-narrow-on-reconcile: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-navigate-next-uncleared: Navigating Transactions
ledger-navigate-next-xact-or-directive: Navigating Transactions
ledger-navigate-prev-xact-or-directive: Navigating Transactions
ledger-navigate-previous-uncleared: Navigating Transactions
ledger-occur-narrowed-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-occur-use-face-shown: Ledger Customization Group
ledger-occur-xact-face: Ledger Faces Customization Group
ledger-post-amount-alignment-column: Adding Transactions
ledger-post-amount-alignment-column: Ledger Post Customization Group
ledger-recon-buffer-name: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-buffer-account-max-chars: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-buffer-header: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-buffer-line-format: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-buffer-payee-max-chars: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-default-commodity: Starting a Reconciliation
ledger-reconcile-default-date-format: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-finish-force-quit nil: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-force-window-bottom: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-insert-effective-date nil: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-sort-key: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-target-prompt-string: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-reconcile-toggle-to-pending: Ledger Reconcile Customization Group
ledger-report-auto-width: Ledger Report Customization Group
ledger-report-format-specifiers: Ledger Report Customization Group
ledger-report-use-native-highlighting: Ledger Report Customization Group
ledger-reports: Adding and Editing Reports
ledger-reports: Ledger Report Customization Group
ledger-source-directory: Ledger Test Customization Group
ledger-test-binary: Ledger Test Customization Group
ledger-texi-normalization-args: Ledger Texi Customization Group
ledger-texi-sample-doc-path: Ledger Texi Customization Group

Keystroke Index

Jump to:   A   C   D   E   G   M   Q   R   S   T   Y  
Index Entry  Section

a: Adding and Deleting Transactions during Reconciliation

C-c C-a: Quick Add
C-c C-b: Editing Amounts
C-c C-c: Reconciliation
C-c C-c: Reports
C-c C-c: Marking Transactions
C-c C-c: Edit Transactions During Reconciliation
C-c C-c: Finalize Reconciliation
C-c C-d: Deleting Transactions
C-c C-e: Marking Transactions
C-c C-f: Narrowing
C-c C-f: Narrowing Transactions
C-c C-g: Narrowing
C-c C-g: Narrowing Transactions
C-c C-k: Copying Transactions
C-c C-o C-a: Running Basic Reports
C-c C-o C-e: Adding and Editing Reports
C-c C-o C-g: Running Basic Reports
C-c C-o C-r: Reports
C-c C-o C-r: Running Basic Reports
C-c C-p: Quick Balance Display
C-c C-r: Reconciliation
C-c C-r: Starting a Reconciliation
C-c C-s: Sorting Transactions
C-c C-t: Setting a Transactions Effective Date
C-c TAB: Quick Add

d: Adding and Deleting Transactions during Reconciliation

e: Adding and Editing Reports

g: Changing Reconciliation Account

M-1 C-c C-o C-r: Adding and Editing Reports
M-n: Navigating Transactions
M-p: Navigating Transactions

q: Reconciliation
q: Finalize Reconciliation

R: Reversing Report Order
RET: Edit Transactions During Reconciliation

S: Adding and Editing Reports
SPC: Reconciliation
SPC: Mark Transactions Pending

t: Changing Reconciliation Target
TAB: Adding Transactions

y: Editing Amounts