Getting ledger

The ledger source code is available on GitHub. Build Status master Status License GitHub release

Several people in the Open Source community have spent time creating Ledger binaries for specific platforms. If you discover others or would like to have a binary hosted, please let John know.

GNU/Linux Windows Mac OS X BSD
Ubuntu (3.1.1) AlexanderAA's binary (3.1.2) John's ledger.dmg (3.0, needs Snow Leopard or Lion) FreeBSD package (3.3.2)
Debian (3.3.0) brew install ledger (3.3.2) OpenBSD package (3.3.2)
Gentoo (3.3.2) fink install ledger (3.3.1) NetBSD package (3.2.1)
Arch Linux (3.3.2) port install ledger (3.1.1)
Fedora (3.2.1)
Slackware (3.2.2)
CentOS 7 (3.1.1)
openSUSE (3.3.2)
Nixpkgs (3.3.2)
GNU Guix/GuixSD (3.3.2)